
2014-05-16 Graphics and Windowing

I've been working through putting in a skeleton windowing system in, although this has required a large rework of the graphics system.  This hasn't actually been a bad thing as it has given me opportunity to add a "Bitmap" structure.

So, what's so special about the bitmap structure?  Well, it starts off being the header of a generic, in-memory bitmap.  In this form, it has a width and height, it has optional palette information, it has details of the layout, format of the pixels and the "pitch" of the bitmap (the number of bytes per pixel row, including padding), and a pointer to start of the actual bitmap data.

Alongside the bitmap structure, we have graphics functions which accept a pointer to a bitmap structure and perform some operation on them.  The basic functions are:

bitmap_t* allocateBitmap( uint16 pWidth, uint16 pHeight, uint16 pPaletteSize, colourType_t pPaletteType );
void freeBitmap( bitmap_t* pBitmap );
uint32 getNearestPaletteEntry( bitmap_t* pBitmap, colour_t pColour );
void setPaletteEntry( bitmap_t* pBitmap, uint32 pPaletteEntry, colour_t pColour );
colour_t getPixel( bitmap_t* pBitmap, uint16 pX, uint16 pY );
void setPixel( bitmap_t* pBitmap, uint16 pX, uint16 pY, colour_t pColour );
void drawLine( bitmap_t* pBitmap, bitmap_t* pMask, int32 pX1, int32 pY1, int32 pX2, int32 pY2, colour_t pColour );
void drawRectangle( bitmap_t* pBitmap, bitmap_t* pMask, int32 pX1, int32 pY1, int32 pX2, int32 pY2, colour_t pColour );
void fillRectangle( bitmap_t* pBitmap, bitmap_t* pMask, int32 pX1, int32 pY1, int32 pX2, int32 pY2, int32 pColour );
void placeChar( bitmap_t* pBitmap, bitmap_t* pMask, font_t pFont, int pCharacter, int32 pX, int32 pY, int32 pColour );
void blitLocal( bitmap_t* pBitmap, bitmap_t* pMask, uint32 pSourceX, uint32 pSourceY, uint32 pWidth, uint32 pHeight, uint32 pDestinationX, uint32 pDestinationY);
void blitRemote( bitmap_t* pSourceBitmap, uint32 pSourceX, uint32 pSourceY, uint32 pWidth, uint32 pHeight, bitmap_t* pDestinationBitmap, bitmap_t* pMask, uint32 pDestinationX, uint32 pDestinationY);

I won't explain all of these in detail, but the non-self-explanatory parts ...

  • The mask is a binary bitmap the same size as the bitmap object, but the drawing routine can only alter a pixel in the given bitmap if the corresponding pixel in the mask bitmap is on.  Often though, the mask will be null, which means that no masking is to be performed.
  • The "nearest colour" functionality from the Displaying Images in 16 Colours article is also incorporated into the graphics function with the mapping table stored as part of the bitmap structure itself.
  • BlitLocal is for copying ("Block Transferring") a rectangle of bitmap to somewhere else in the same bitmap.
  • BlitRemote is for copying from one bitmap to another bitmap.

So, all very boring, why am I that happy with it?  Well, the bitmap structure also contains a series of function pointers for the same graphics operations and if these pointers are non-null, the graphics functions above will just call the given function (this is similar to the operations structure in the FILE structure in C).  These functions allow it to integrate very well with the windowing functions.

Still not getting it, okay, how about "every graphics device is represented by a bitmap structure"?  That do anything for ya?  It's polymorphism, Holmes!

Yes, each monitor / screen / graphics device is represented by a bitmap structure that is known to the windowing system, so drawing to the screen is as easy as drawing to any in-memory bitmap, and uses the same functions to do it.  If you want to draw a line on the screen, no problem.  If you want to "block transfer" (known as Blitting) a window bitmap to the screen, you call the graphics blitting routines.  If you want to read a section of the screen, you blit from the screen to a bitmap.

A graphics device which is using a memory-mapped framebuffer needs nothing more than the bitmap structure which defines the structure and location of the framebuffer.  If the graphics device is more complicated, or offers some form of hardware acceleration, it has a bitmap structure which provides functions for the various function pointers which the graphics routines call.  This is the case for the VGA Mode 12h driver because of its planar structure and requirement to use a windowing function to access the entire bitmap.

Each window in the system can have a bitmap to act as a back-buffer, but it doesn't need one.  If a program tries to draw to its window and it has a bitmap, the drawing routines draw to the bitmap, then if that area of the window is visible on-screen, the window bitmap is "blitted" (with a mask) onto the screen (or screens) with which it intersects.  If the window doesn't have a bitmap, the graphics routines are translated directly to the screen(s) with the mask bitmap set to account for the window being partially or wholly obscured by other windows.

A future enhancement for this whole caboodle is to incorporate the ability to add a 2D transform matrix to into the system at some point (not worked out where yet) so that bitmaps, windows, and even screens can be scaled, rotated, sheared, translated and whatnot to no end of amusement.  :D

Anyway, I'll leave you with a picture of what is currently the system console window with my beautifully hand-crafted window border design ...

(Did I mention the library system was working?)

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